We are officially kicking off round 10
(I can't believe we are on ROUND TEN!!!)
March 10th.
If you are joining us for the first time, welcome! We are so excited to expand our circle of friends and this amazing PLN! If you are a returning participant, I am so glad you're back!!
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter will be our first #EllChat_BkClub novel. If you take a peek along the righthand side of the screen, you can view all of the other amazing texts we've read.
Our mission: Improving instruction for ELs one book at a time. We pride ourselves on being a truly phenomenal network of intelligent, talented, and wonderful people who work in different capacities of education. Our common ground is our passion for ELs and making their educational experiences the best and most effective they can be.
This round, we are looking forward to bridging a novel study with our passion for ELs. In addition to discussing the book, we will be discussing how reading this text influences our teaching and how we think and interact with students.
My goal is to use Kyelene Beer's BHH framework for reflection.
BHH = Book Head Heart
I've made some adjustments of her questions to fit our specific chat.
In the book:
What is happening in the story?
What are the characters experiencing?
What are the characters experiencing?
What details are important?
What does the author want the reader to know?
What does the author want the reader to know?
In your head:
What connections can you make between the story
and what you know about teaching (specifically teaching ELs)?
What in the story challenges your thinking about
teaching ELs?
What in the story confirms your thinking about
teaching ELs?
How might you adjust your instruction for ELs
based on this story?
In your heart:
What did you learn about yourself as a teacher
by reading this section?
How will reading this text help you be a better
What connections can you make between the book
characters and students you teach/have taught?
How might
you adjust your interactions/relationship with ELs after reading this book?
Questions will be posted each Friday for the following week. I have wonderful helpers contributing questions this round (THANK YOU!!) and per usual, any reflections, book snaps, comments, and questions are welcome!
Let's get started with a few Flip Grid responses!
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