Welcome to #EllChat_BkClub 15.0!
This round we will be reading our third novel, My Family Divided.
The reading schedule is as follows:
Weekly questions will be posted weekly on Twitter and will also be linked within this post.
Use our hashtag #Ellchat_BkClub and if you choose to respond to the weekly questions, please identify which one you’re responding to in your tweet (2A1, 2A2) Please note: The number before the Q indicates which week of the chat we are in, so 2A1 would indicate the answer to question 1 from week 2. Remember that you are not limited to these questions. Post a pic of your highlighted text, your favorite quotes, meaningful ideas, book snaps, or your own questions. Post anytime this week and search our # to see what others are saying!
Don't forget to post your book selfie (#bookie)! Let us know you'll be participating by introducing yourself on Twitter so we can all make sure to follow each other. Tell your role, location, and if you're an #EllChat_BkClub newbie or vet.
This information is very helpful and useful.Thanks for this idea.
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