Round 24.0 is underway thanks to the hard work of Emily Francis.
This round marks our first bilingual book and book study! I am loving the Tweets in both English and Spanish! Big thanks to Emily for suggesting this book and leading this round.
To purchase the book, click here
Reading Schedule ⬇️
Weekly Questions will be archived here ⬇️:
If you choose to respond to the weekly questions, please identify which one you’re responding to in your tweet (2A1, 2A2) Please note: The number before the Q indicates which week of the chat we are in, so 2A1 would indicate the answer to question 1 from week 2. Remember that you are not limited to these questions. Post a pic of your highlighted text, your favorite quotes, meaningful ideas, book snaps, your own questions, and connections to other texts!!
#EllChat_BkClub is a slow chat, so you can post at any time throughout the week and throughout the chat. You can also post about questions or topics from previous weeks. It's all good as long as you are learning!
For this chat, we will be using the following hashtags:
#EllChat_BkClub 24.0
Also, please tag the authors:
Shawn Slakk @ABCD2SCo
Margarita Calderón @calderonexc
Guadalupe Espino @Guadalu51296400
To get started:
If you are new to #EllChat_BkClub, check out the resources in this post for more information about how to participate.
If you have any questions, please send me a DM @Toppel_ELD or reach out to @emilyfranESL
I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. SIOP Interaction