Sunday, January 13, 2019

Pathways to Greatness & The Newcomers

Welcome to Round 16.0! 

Each time I write one of these posts to introduce a new round, I am in awe of how many books we have read as a community. It blows my mind that what started as a casual suggestion from Tan Huynh that we should both read Collaborating and Co-Teaching and tweet about it has turned into this incredible PLN of passionate language teachers, experts in the field, authors, consultants and more!  We have been so lucky to have the authors of the majority of our texts interact with us during our chats, which is really special!

Round 16.0 is different because it is the first time we are running two books at once. Pathways to Greatness is not available in a digital format and we never want our international friends to be left out, so we added The Newcomers as an additional option as we dive into learning how to best serve our newcomer students. I read both books over winter break and I have to say they go together SO well. If you are only reading one, you will certainly love either book you choose, but reading both adds another layer of awesomeness! 

Our reading schedule for the chat is as follows: 

Weekly Questions: 

When you answer questions, use our hashtag #Ellchat_BkClub and if you choose to respond to the weekly questions, please identify which one you’re responding to in your tweet (2A1, 2A2) Please note: The number before the Q indicates which week of the chat we are in, so 2A1 would indicate the answer to question 1 from week 2. Remember that you are not limited to these questions. Post a pic of your highlighted text, your favorite quotes, meaningful ideas, book snaps, or your own questions. Post anytime this week and search our # to see what others are saying! 

If you are new to #EllChat_BkClub please know that this chat is purposefully very flexible. While we don't want spoilers (particularly when we read novels), this schedule is a guideline for reading. We welcome posts about any sections of the texts throughout the chat. Sometimes life happens and participants fall behind. Feel free to post about a previous section at any time during the chat. You may also see posts during this round that are about #ELExcellence. Sometimes participants decide to run book chats within their own districts to continue the learning and they use #EllChat_BkClub. For this reason, I encourage you to always include an image of the text you are tweeting about and use the additional # to name the book. For this round we are using: 


Weekly questions will be tweeted from my account (@Toppel_ELD) and I will also update this post with links to weekly questions, so there is one place you can come to find all of the questions. 

Here's a few things you can do to get started: 
  1. Follow our amazing authors Michelle Yzquierdo & Helen Thorpe.
  2. Tweet your book selfie (#bookie) with which book(s) you'll be reading! In your tweet,  introduce yourself so we can all make sure to follow each other. Tell your role, location, and if you're an #EllChat_BkClub newbie or vet. 
  3. Read and tweet
  4. Search #EllChat_BkClub to see what others are saying.

If you have any questions about participating, please feel free to DM me (@Toppel_ELD) or tag me in a tweet. 

Making Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners-NEW edition of the SIOP book!

Please join us for #MLLChat_BkClub 7.0 featuring  The interactive notebook below contains all of the information you will need to participat...