Saturday, November 14, 2020

Reading & Writing with English Learners

 Hi Friends! It's been awhile...

I think we all know how crazy/busy/stressful life has felt lately and I took the fall to get used to teaching remotely and focusing on school and my family. 

Now, I am excited to bring you another round of #EllChat_BkClub

drumroll please...



29.0 Here we go! 

It is especially exciting when people in your very own PLN write a book, so it was without a doubt that we would read this gem: 

Everything you need to know for the chat is in this interactive notebook. You can click on the tabs to navigate to different pages. If this is your first time joining in on #EllChat_BkClub, welcome! There is a whole page with information about how it works and what you need to know to get started. This round will also have a bit of a mid-round break over the holidays so we can catch up or maybe get ahead. We want to make sure you have time to read, think, reflect, and try out the wonderful ideas in Valentina and  Melinda's book. 


For this round, we will be using the following hashtags:

#EllChat_BkClub 29.0


Don't forget to tag out authors too!



See you on Twitter!

Making Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners-NEW edition of the SIOP book!

Please join us for #MLLChat_BkClub 7.0 featuring  The interactive notebook below contains all of the information you will need to participat...