Friday, June 12, 2020

Efrén Divided

School's Out for Summer! 

I know many teachers have been out for awhile, but today is officially my last day, so it is perfect timing for a new round of #EllChat_Bkclub!! We are excited to do another novel this round and Efrén Divided is the perfect one! 

Thanks to our cool interactive Bitmoji room, I *think* everything needed to participate is all linked from one central place. I will embed the room here and it will also stay pinned to my Twitter profile page throughout the chat. 

Click around in the image or click through the slides for information and tools.

If you choose to respond to the weekly questions, please identify which one you’re responding to in your tweet (2A1, 2A2) Please note: The number before the Q indicates which week of the chat we are in, so 2A1 would indicate the answer to question 1 from week 2. Remember that you are not limited to these questions. Post a pic of your highlighted text, your favorite quotes, meaningful ideas, book snaps, your own questions, and connections to other texts!!
#EllChat_BkClub is a slow chat, so you can post at any time throughout the week and throughout the chat. You can also post about questions or topics from previous weeks. It's all good as long as you are learning! 
For this chat, we are using the following hashtags:

#EllChat_BkClub 26.0

You can also tag the author in your tweets: @Author_Cisneros

Thanks for participating! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. SIOP Feature 13 Provide ample opportunities for students to use strategies


Making Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners-NEW edition of the SIOP book!

Please join us for #MLLChat_BkClub 7.0 featuring  The interactive notebook below contains all of the information you will need to participat...